Vulnerable Authentic Leadership

Reading Time: 3 minutes The way that I view leadership has immensely changed after this first semester of doctoral coursework. I’ll be honest, I was not expecting to have as much self-reflection during the first semester. After reviewing all of my assignments and the completed assessments, I understand the value and importance of this self-reflection. This semester has taught […]

My Journey as a Doctoral Student Begins

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today marks Day 67 of being a doctoral student. I’ve been told by many colleagues that there is never a good time to start a doctorate. The best time will be when you can’t stop thinking about it and you know you need it to achieve your hearts desire. In these 67 days, I’ve sold […]

Mentorship and my “Glass Ceiling”

Reading Time: 3 minutes Envisioning my career after earning my Doctorate of Education, I am an executive level leader in student affairs. It is my hope that during this program I will be afforded the opportunity to network, be mentored, and gain experiences that will help catapult my career forward. As the saying goes, representation matters. I want to […]