#SLWK791 Twitter Chat

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The Impact of Social Media on Social Work Practice – #SLWK791 Twitter Chat on 3/19/2020 at 9pm EST and 6pm PST.

Hashtag for the Chat: #SLWK791

This Thursday, March 19th, my Technology Applications and Social Work Practice students and I are hosting our very first Twitter chat. I recommend reviewing the Standards for Technology and Social Work Practice prior to joining our chat. The chat is designed for both students and social work practitioners.

Below are the questions that we will discuss during the chat:

  1. How have the Standards for Technology and Social Work Practice impacted your social work practice?
  2. How has social media changed the traditional methods of advocacy efforts for social workers?
  3. What has prompted you to used social media as a professional networking tool?
  4. What resources have you used to help you hone your “professional” voice online?
  5. How do you manage the potential consequences (positive, neutral, negative) of your clients wanting to engage with you on social media?

We look forward to everyone joining us!