My Formative Assessment 1 Experience

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Monday, April 15, 2019. This day was huge for me. I presented my formative assessment to two faculty members of the Department of Educational Leadership. This presentation would be the deciding factor, spring semester grades aside, of whether I would be allowed to enter Year 2 of the program.

Prior to presenting, I met multiple times with my cohort members to go over my presentation content. This presentation prep proved to be extremely powerful. During my presentation, while I felt myself needing to slow down in my speech, I was genuinely excited about the content I was presenting. After waiting a week to receive my presentation results, I am proud to say I was granted permission to enter Year 2!

Feedback on my ePortfolio (this website you are currently accessing to read this blogpost) was rated as “vibrant, striking, and inviting.” I was grateful for receiving the rubric from which my presentation would be assessed. Two pieces of feedback that I received, which let me know that I truly conveyed what I wanted follows:

“Lots of energy. Organized. Good graphics. Your theme of “being and becoming” was powerful and compelling, and I could see you integrating this theme throughout the full presentation or in other communication opportunities. Similarly, I appreciated the “6Cs”you have synthesized and embraced as a personal leadership framework.”

“Your presentation demonstrated considerable reflection on your year 1 learnings and commensurate shifts in your thinking about leadership and your own leadership style. You demonstrated your command of course content, relevant literature (such as Scott’s concept of “radical candor”) and synthesis and impressive application of the material. You impressed us with your ability to translate your learning to “real world” opportunities, such as through published articles and presentations this year. Through this and a variety of other examples, you illustrated the influence and integration of your doctoral work into your student and career path.”

The final line of my feedback affirmed all the work and time I spent on coursework, relationship building, and leadership skill development: “Continue in program. Absolutely.”

I’m so excited to move into Year 2. You can view my formative assessment presentation below.